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Vision and Mission Statement

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#BeUMC: The 2022 Aldersgate Mission Conference stage design. Designed with passion. Crafted with love for our Lord Jesus.

Christ is building you into a place where God lives through the Spirit.

(Ephesians 2:22, CEB)


“You must love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

(Matthew 22:39, CEB)

OUR VISION: Church for our Neighbors (Ephesians 2:22 and Matthew 22:39 CEB)

OUR MISSION: We Make Disciples by God–honoring Gospel Witness and Grace–filled Mission, Sharing in Church and Serving in the World (Mark 10:45, CEB)


Our Christian mission is defined by commitment, community and call.

Our Christian mission is focused on our commitment to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Our commitment defines our relationship with God and people because of what we believe.

1. COMMITMENT. We are therefore committed to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

2. COMMUNITY. Our Christian mission must help us to form our community of faith.  Our community is the fellowship of all believers.  Our community explains that we truly belong.

3. CALLING. Our Christian mission must help us fulfill our calling. Our calling is the summary of our lifetime goals as disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our calling explains what we should do to truly bless God’s children and creation.

BEA Aspirations, Vision and Mission, Programs and Ministries

BEA Statistical Form Published by GCFA (PDF and Excel Document)

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